Parasite Cleansing

Parasite Cleansing - Dr. Louis Granirer Holistic Chiropractor

"Parasites are organisms that grow, feed, and are sheltered on or in a different organism, while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. Parasite infestation is much more common than you think."

-Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Chiropractor

Natural Parasite Remedies Kingston Ulster County NY 12401

Parasites are organisms that are unable to produce their own food. They need a host to survive. In many cases, that host is the human body. As unwilling hosts, we will feel the effects of these unwanted guests in the form of illness, death, and many other unpleasant symptoms. Parasites will rob our body of the nutrients it needs. Some are also toxic, and they will damage our cells and tissue. It is important to get rid of these thieves of nature to be able to bounce back to health.

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Contact Dr. Lou Granirer

Contact Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Holistic Chiropractor and Leading
Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner
For a Free Consultation

Learn More About Nutrition Response Testing

Parasite Infestation

Sometimes, the number of parasite infestation can reach epidemic proportions. This may happen in countries where technology and methods of hygiene and sterilization may not be too advanced. However, human parasites are also present in technologically developed countries and can be carried in human bodies, back and forth, as we travel around the world, on either business or vacation. 

Parasites spread to humans in many other ways. Sometimes it is because they are found in the feces of animals; even our loving pets may have parasites in them. Many times, we take our pets for a walk, or a hike on the country or park. Our pets are exposed since they do not wear gear as we do. Parasites are also commonly transmitted through sexual activities and consuming Sushi.

On other occasions, people can be exposed to parasites in the meat of the animals they hunt and consume. Another way in which we can come in contact with these parasites is thru the food that we consume, either from our vegetable gardens, or food that has not been cooked well in restaurants, or handled with improper hygiene methods in food processing plants. This is due to improper cleaning and hygiene methods used by cleaning staff. Kids will handle food, get sick, and play with many objects, inside and out, and if the premises are not well kept and well disinfected kids are at risk of getting sick.

An individual may have a parasite in their body and not have any symptoms. Other people will develop symptoms. Parasites like warm and moist environments where they can thrive. It is not uncommon to see more high incidences of these infections in more warm and humid areas. The fact is that these organisms are part of nature and they can be found all around us. It is up to us to take the necessary precautions to avoid becoming their hosts.

However, sometimes even when we take the necessary precautions and live healthy lives, clean our environment, and consume healthy foods, we fall prey to these parasites. Many times this can be due to our daily routine and work environment. People that travel as part of their job can easily become infested with parasites. 

Other jobs that may be in contact with these organisms are sewer workers and plumbers, since they work in a humid, moist, and dark environments and can be exposed to waste material. Missionaries, who work in poor and underdeveloped areas, soldiers serving in other countries under difficult conditions, people who work in zoos or handling animals, people who work with crops or gardening, and many similar occupations can also be exposed.

Intestinal Parasites

There are certain things that we may do that without our knowledge, that may contribute to being exposed to parasites. Potential exposure can come from: walking without shoes, consuming rare meats or undercook foods, improper handling of foods when preparing meals, not wearing protection when handling the waste from our pets, drinking water from a spring during a hike through the woods, and not wearing protection during mosquito season, and even through human contact.

Types of Common Human Parasites

There are many types of these parasites, and some can be seen thru a microscope. Others, which are larger, can be seen with the naked eye. The ones that cannot be spotted easily are the most dangerous as they can even be airborne. Some parasites that are ingested may travel through the intestines to the blood stream, and attaching themselves in your body, muscles, vital organs, and intestines. Once there, they can do a lot of damage, if not treated. Parasites can also be inhaled.

Human Parasitic Diseases

Many diseases have been associated or linked to parasite infestation – arthritis, cancer, asthma, multiple sclerosis … and many others.

Some of these parasites are pinworms, hookworms, tapeworms, roundworms, and liver fluke. Other smaller parasites are Toxoplasma gondii (attacks the nervous system), Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia Lamblia. Each one of these parasites attacks the body differently, making it important we create a parasite removal program as fast as possible.

Parasite Symptoms in Humans

Symptoms from parasite infestation can be difficult to identify but include:

  • enlarged liver
  • edema
  • vertigo
  • allergies
  • unclear thinking
  • gas and bloating


  • hunger pains
  • dizziness
  • infection
  • anemia
  • nausea


Parasite Cleansing - Dr. Louis Granirer Holistic Chiropractor. Remedy for Parasites in Kingston Ulster County NY 12401

Natural Remedies for Parasite Cleansing

If you are experiencing any the above symptoms or believe you have a parasite, please contact me for a free consultation. Just because you experience several of the symptoms, it doesn’t automatically mean you have parasites. The only way to create a parasite cleansing program, and begin a plan of action to make you feel better, is to begin with an office visit. 

I started the Holistic Chiropractic Center based on providing you with highly personalized care for the entire duration of your therapy. I specialize in the following therapy for overall wellness, which may be used in combination with other holistic healing services, to provide solutions for your parasite infestation.

Nutrition Response Testing may be used to help heal the body from within. It is a healing and preventative therapy that contributes to overall feelings of wellness and restores your energy by properly fueling the organs in your body.

A Patient Case Study for Intestinal Parasite Cleansing

Tom came into my office pretty hopeless. He had been to five different medical doctors and specialists in the last two years, who had put him on many different medications, without any resolution to his symptoms.
Natural Remedies for Parasite Cleansing

Tom had severe fatigue, no libido, stomach bloating, skin rashes, and a drastic weight reduction over a 6 month period. He was 5’11 and went from 185 lbs. to 150 lbs., without any major dietary or exercise change. One doctor even told him it may be all in his head, and that there was nothing wrong with him. I analyzed Tom using muscle testing for food sensitivities and toxicity.

Tom muscle tested for a solanine and corn sensitivity. He also muscle tested for two parasite vials. When a patient muscle tests for parasite vials, the objective is to cleanse the body of parasites.

Specific anti-parasitic supplements are muscle tested and normal versus abnormal reflex response is observed to determine what supplements are best suited  for the individual case. Depending on a person’s chemistry, genetics, and what else is going on with them determines how a specific supplement may or may not work with their body.

Tom tested for six individual supplements, which incorporated drainage and support of his  organs of elimination. He tested for an endotoxin binder and four individual anti-parasitic supplements. Tom had minor detoxification symptoms the first two weeks of his protocol, this included some headaches and increased fatigue.

It took Tom about 9 weeks to start feeling hopeful, as his symptoms took a roller coaster ride for the 9 weeks. He would have days of feeling better, but many days where he didn’t feel great. After the 9th week he noticed that he had gained 12 pounds and reported that his energy level was improving. After week 12, his skin rashes had disappeared, his stomach bloating had vanished, and he felt as if his libido was slightly improved.

16 weeks after Tom started the protocol he had gained a total of 20 pounds back. He indicated that he was feeling overall about 80 percent better. Tom is out of the detoxification phase and well into the supportive phase of care. We are still working together to help him improve further and achieve his wellness goals.

Contact Hudson Valley Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer for Intestinal Parasite Cleansing in the Hudson Valley

Contact Hudson Valley Chiropractor Dr. Louis Granirer for Intestinal Parasite Cleansing in the Hudson Valley

I sincerely hope you will contact me and take advantage of my free consultation. We both share the same goal for your overall wellness, and I sincerely believe I can help you improve your health and well-being.

Contact Dr. Louis Granirer today.
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