"An autoimmune deficiency is a process in which abnormal antibodies are produced that causes impaired function and destruction of bodily tissue. Basically, the body attacks itself. I can help you find a natural remedy for autoimmune disorders."
-Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Chiropractor
The incidence of autoimmune deficiencies are rising at an alarming rate. Disorders like irritable bowel syndrome, Crohns, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, lupus, asthma, psoriasis, fibromyalgia, thyroid problems and other autoimmune disorders are becoming more and more common.
The body attacks itself when there is a severe ongoing imbalance. It is confused in what it should fight against. It doesn't decide one day to turn on itself, but instead is reacting to an accumulation of bombardments by multiple immune challenges.
Contact Dr. Louis Granirer
NY Chiropractor and Leading
Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner
For a Free Consultation
No time in the history of our planet have we been subjected to this many plastics, pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals and toxins. This toxicity is cumulative and is only getting worse. Our immune systems become weakened by this accumulation of toxins and may attack itself as a result. Chemicals and heavy metals are some of the toxins that can accumulate in our bodily tissues. This toxic load effect varies for each individual in what they can handle before the body expresses itself through health problems.
These toxins interact with certain genes for each individual, allowing for certain individual genes to be expressed. The interaction of genes with toxins and immune challenges may also play a role in determining who gets autoimmune deficiency symptoms. This may explain why certain people develop symptoms and others exposed to many of the same factors do not.
Symptoms of Autoimmune Deficiency
Nutritional supplements offer the body the ability to detox from the causes of autoimmune deficiency and help the immune system to function better. They allow the immune system the ability to be able to detect what is a foreign invader versus what is part of its own system. This identification is probably the most important factor to allow the body to function normally.
I use nutritional muscle testing to help autoimmune deficiency sufferers by identifying toxicity and positive immune challenges such as chemicals, heavy metal toxicity, food sensitivities, yeast and fungus overgrowth, microorganism imbalance such as parasites, amoebas, rickettsias, spirochetes, mycotoxins, hypercoagulation, and other toxicities that may be contributing to the body's autoimmune reaction.
There can be multiple root causes of an autoimmune disorder and the body will react by attacking itself when there are multiple imbalances.
Through my nutritional muscle testing I can identify a specific autoimmune deficiency or imbalance by detecting a positive reaction to a homeopathic vial. Specific nutritional supplements such as homeopathic remedies, herbs, vitamins, minerals, and protomorphogens are tested to determine if they block the positive test. When the appropriate supplements are identified, they are recommended to help the body rid of the specific imbalance.
The key factor in any patient having good results is the patient receiving the correct remedy. I use muscle testing to not only identify underlying problems in the body but also to specifically find the most accurate supplements that work to have the greatest efficacy on the patient's problems. There is no one size fits all and therefore, each patient's testing will reveal different nutritional supplement requirements and restrictions.
A patient may come into my office with their own supplements that they were recommended to take or may have read somewhere that a certain supplement would be good for them. Most of the time many of these supplements test neutral or even worse make a person weak. If a supplement causes a muscle to go weak than it is likely to be causing some imbalance in the body. The patient should cease taking these immediately. This is why it so important to test supplements, to determine not only what is helping them but also what may be having an ill effect as well.
I never treat an autoimmune deficiency or diagnose a patient with an autoimmune disorder, rather the body is given support for toxicity and some of the possible contributing factors to the autoimmune deficiency. When these imbalances are addressed and food sensitivities are identified and avoided by the patient, the body has the ability to heal and regenerate. This translates to a person feeling better and doing quite well.